Use of Code Refactoring Transformation in Software Advancement

  • Taimoor Hassan University of Central Punjab
Keywords: Refactoring, Transformation, Primary Studies, Systematic Mapping Study, Structured Query Language


In this paper, discuss the refactoring object-oriented code effects on software quality. We can say that refactoring is the reengineering process of code in software development, sometimes it is very helpful because it is not as expensive. The external behavior of software will not be changed, that is the big advantage of code refactoring. A lot of different researcher’s research on it to evaluate the results and check the software quality because companies do not compromise on quality standard. In this paper, refactoring technique shift to software requirements because if requirements are clear and definite then all the development will be good and up to the mark. We will check it at an earlier phase of software development so in this sense it is not very expensive. Different five research questions and their answers are also part of this paper. We will use requirements divided approach in it. Staring with requirements gathering then filter, break, prioritize, numbering and then convert it into requirement document. Apply this approach to a case study (Hotel Management System) and derive the results at each phase.

How to Cite
Hassan, T. (2024). Use of Code Refactoring Transformation in Software Advancement. Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 8(2).