Requirement Elicitation using Natural Language Processing

  • Sharoon Nasim
  • Zainab Zahid Forman Christian College University
  • Nosheen Sabahat
Keywords: requirement engineering, semantic analysis, natural language processing, requirement elicitation


—This paper is the outcome of the research conducted
to investigate the affective requirement engineering techniques
proposed and used for developing software projects. We have
assessed traditional methods and proposed an approach that
covers various aspects for generating a successful project. An
NLP-based model is designed that takes input from the user and
gives the output in the form of a text document after processing
it. We have set a 62% similarity index to achieve the maximum
requirements of the required system. These requirements, in
return, help the developers to develop the product with more
functionality and productivity.

How to Cite
Nasim, S., Zahid, Z., & Sabahat, N. (2023). Requirement Elicitation using Natural Language Processing. Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 7(1), 1-6.