Circle Detection Using Morphological Operations

  • Arfa hassan Lahore Garrison University
  • Shazia Saqib Lahore Garrison University
Keywords: Circular Hough Transform, Circle detection, Roundness matric.


Circle detection is the very important and challenging field in image processing. In previous few decants the field of fining and detection of circular objects in images gain more attention because the location and additional information of circular object in the image can easily be find when a circle is extracted in that image so that information can be used in industries and businesses in many ways. The circle detection is today commonly used in computer application i.e. Computer vision applications and in the field of robotics to detect and recognize the circular objects. In measurement based images the circle detection is the most important task and necessary task. In my article I used a method that detect circle in the image with fast calculations and in short time instant of these methods that perform heavy calculations that consume processing power of GPU as well as time in circle detection. This method uses a simple algorithm that detect circle using simple calculations

How to Cite
Arfa hassan, & Shazia Saqib. (2019). Circle Detection Using Morphological Operations. Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 3(2), 31-34.

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