Automated Food Ordering System

  • Arfa hassan Lahore Garrison University
  • Shazia Saqib Lahore Garrison University
Keywords: Waterfall model, Automation, Online Restaurant.


Online food order system is a site planned essentially for use in the nourishment conveyance industry. This framework will enable inns and eateries to expand extent of business by decreasing the work cost included. The framework likewise permits to rapidly and effortlessly deal with an online menu which clients can peruse and use to put orders with only couple of snaps. Eatery workers at that point utilize these requests through a simple to explore graphical interface for proficient preparing.

How to Cite
Arfa hassan, & Shazia Saqib. (2018). Automated Food Ordering System. Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2(4), 21-30.

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