An Expert System Technique for Sentiment Analysis of Opinions

  • Sabreena Nawaz Lahore Garrison University
  • Rabia Khan Lahore Garrison University
  • Kashaf Ad Dooja Lahore Garrison University
Keywords: Opinions, mining, reviews, sentiments, web, social data


To help the users and the product owners it is quite necessary to extract aspects from the online reviews, their sentiment polarities, and associations between them. There is a great deal of work done in the field of sentiment analysis. Lexical and learning-based systems can be combined to separate the assessments from online opinions and reviews. In learning-based techniques, the Gaussian mixture model can be used for getting probabilistic results for polarities against aspects and naïve baize classifiers for the problem of spam comments which produced better and competitive results against previous techniques.

How to Cite
Sabreena Nawaz, Rabia Khan, & Kashaf Ad Dooja. (2019). An Expert System Technique for Sentiment Analysis of Opinions. Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 3(3), 43-50.