Survey of Network Protocols

  • Muhammad Shahzaib Saeed Lahore Garrison University
Keywords: IETF, packet switching, protocols


IPv4 is the network protocols of the present Internet, which is characterized by the Internet  Engineering Task Force (IETF). Network protocols characterize guidelines, polices and traditions for communication between system devices. Every advanced protocol for computer organization utilizer a packet switching system to send and get the message. The protocols are intended to conquer the activities of any enemy that can lose the sent message, discretionarily change the fields of the sent message, and replay old messages. In the web, the colossal measure of information and the immense number of various protocols makes it perfect as a high-bandwidth speed vehicle for undercover communication. This article is an overview of the current methods for making the covert channels. We
additionally gave a diagram of wide kinds of network protocol.

How to Cite
Muhammad Shahzaib Saeed. (2019). Survey of Network Protocols. Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 3(2), 15-19.