Face and Face Parts Detection in Image Processing

  • Muhammad Nadeem Ali Lahore Garrison University
Keywords: Vision.CascadeObjectDetector, Step, Rectangle.


This paper based on a procedure for automatically detecting one or
more human faces, eyes pair, nose, mouth in colour images. This is depending
on two-method which first detects regions of face, eyes pair, nose, mouth contain
human skin in the colour image and then extracts information from these regions
and then detect the regions which include face, eyes pair, mouth, nose in the
colour image. The face, eyes pair, mouth, nose identified is completed on a
colour image having only the identified image parts. An arrangement of thresh
holding and calculated values and some functions are used to remove item
structures that would show the existence of an identified area.

How to Cite
Muhammad Nadeem Ali. (2017). Face and Face Parts Detection in Image Processing. Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 1(1), 62-68. https://doi.org/10.54692/lgurjcsit.2017.01017