Energy Efficient Schemes for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)

  • Sadia Batool Department of IT & CS Minhaj University Lahore, Pakistan
  • Mohtishim Siddique Department of IT & CS Minhaj University Lahore, Pakistan
Keywords: WSNs, clustering scheme, energy efficient designs.


Conservation of energy is the main design issue in wireless
sensor network (WSN) which is usually available at each node. Although
different solutions have been introduced for typical wireless networks,
cellular networks, MANET, and other short-range wireless local area
networks, yet they are not often much feasible for a large scale WSN.
For this purpose, multiple mobile sink nodes can be deployed to increase
the life of sensor network. The purpose can be achieved by splitting the
life time into equal time interval known as rounds. Similarly, by
employing multiple sink nodes can also make the sensor network more
energy efficient. Another way to make the sensor network energy
efficient is to logically divide the deployment area into static clusters. By
adopting the strategy of static cluster, energy consumption can be
minimized. The two major wireless standards used by WSN are 802.15.4
and Zigbee [1],[2] .They are low-power protocols. Maximum distance is
around 100m (at 2.4 GHz). However, performance is an issue. In order
to assure the Wireless sensor network (WSN)s survivability and increase
the lifetime of network in such environments, various energy efficiency
schemes have been proposed in the literature. Energy is a valuable
commodity in wireless networks due to the limited battery of the handy
devices. The energy problem becomes stiffer in ad-hoc WSN).

How to Cite
Sadia Batool, & Mohtishim Siddique. (2017). Energy Efficient Schemes for Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 1(1), 54-61.