A Quantum Optimization Model for Dynamic Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing
Quantum Computing and Cloud Computing technologies
have potential capability to change the dynamic of future
computing. Similarly, both Complexities, time and Space are the basic
constraints which can determine the efficient cloud service performance.
Quantum optimization for the cloud resources in dynamic environment
provides a way to deal with the present classical cloud computation
model’s challenges. By combining the fields of quantum computing and
cloud computing, will result in evolutionary technology. Virtual resource
allocation is a major challenge facing cloud computing with dynamic
characteristics, a single aspect for the evaluation of resource allocation
strategy cannot satisfy the real world demands in this case. Quantum
Optimization resource allocation mechanism on the cloud computing
environment based two-way factors, improving user satisfaction and best
use of resource utilization of cloud computing systems.
A dynamic resource allocation mechanism for cloud services, based on
negotiation by keeping the focus on preferences and pricing factor is
therefore proposed.