Analysis and Evaluation of Requirement Engineering Process at NorthBay Solutions

  • Noor Afshan Lahore Garrison University
  • Kashaf-ad-Dooja Lahore Garrison University
Keywords: Requirement Engineering, International standard organization, Elicitation, Requirement analysis, Requirement validation, Requirement verification


Requirement engineering has become an essential part as it deals with the process of definition,
documentation and maintenance of requirements for software product. Requirement Engineering
standards like IEEE/ISO/IEC has defined a standardized approach for Requirement Engineering
process in developing software solutions. In Pakistan a great range of software houses does not
follows any standardized approach to build software solutions. This research is aiming to help those
graduating students and others who are not clear about the actual implementation of Requirement
Engineering process in the industry. Interviews with Project Leads have been carried out to inquire
about the Requirement Engineering standards and process implementation at ‘NorthBay Solutions’
Lahore. Results deduced from this will help students and researchers to get familiar with
implemented solutions of requirement engineering process.

How to Cite
Noor Afshan, & Kashaf-ad-Dooja. (2018). Analysis and Evaluation of Requirement Engineering Process at NorthBay Solutions. Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 2(1), 21-30.