Priority Based Technique and Vehicle Location in VANET Using Google Maps
Google Maps is becoming popular in digital maps because of its user friendly human computer
interaction and easy to use Application Programming Interface (API) as a plugin to online
applications. Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is conceptualizing moving cars as nodes in
a dynamic road network. VANETs help manage the traffic through communication messages
among the vehicles. In huge traffic loads too many messages create network congestion and
starvation. The basic objective of this research is to augment conventional VANET by adding
message prioritization methodology, i.e. messages for top priority vehicles will be transmitted
prior to the ones with lower priority. To this end, an algorithm has been developed and
implemented in a web application that incorporates Google maps for getting and displaying
vehicle information. The proposed algorithm has been evaluated using experiments for
throughput and congestion avoidance in the network.