Analyzing and Resolving Issues in Software Project Risk Management

  • Taimoor Hasan Lahore Garrison University
Keywords: Risk Management, Risk identification, Risk Analysis, Risk mitigation


In last decade the main reason for projects failure is poor
management of software. But now a day’s most of the organizations are
focusing on software project management for making project successful.
Software project management provides overall management of software
from project planning phase to project execution. In software project
management we also deal with risks that may occur during development
of projects. In this paper we analyze risks during management of
software and we resolve issues that come in software project risk
management. We introduce some approaches by which we can resolve
all the issues regarding software risk management. Risk management
also suggests us that how we can avoid risks and if risks occur then how
we can control those risks. By analyzing software risk management, we
come to know that what factors affect risk management and how we can
remove them. Software risk management manages all risks efficiently
and makes our project successful.

How to Cite
Taimoor Hasan. (2017). Analyzing and Resolving Issues in Software Project Risk Management. Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 1(1), 13-21.