Review on Huawei Fusion Sphere Security

  • Sabir Abbas Lahore Garrison University
  • Shan-E- Zahra Lahore Garrison University
  • Noor Ul Qamar Lahore Garrison University
Keywords: FusionSphere, Cloud Security, Cloud Computing, Huawei Architecture


The cloud computing virtualization stage is another method for giving computing resources that give clients available and financially savvy benefits, and bring hazards in meantime. In this way, ensuring the privacy, trustworthiness and accessibility of client information turns out to be significantly more basic to distributed computing frameworks. Huawei gives the virtualization stage security answers for confronting the dangers and difficulties postured to the distributed computing framework. This article portrays the techniques and measures received by Huawei cloud computing virtualization stage to react to the security dangers and also
dangerous to distributed computing frameworks. Huawei cloud computing virtualization stage is intended to give secure and solid server virtualization solutions for clients.

How to Cite
Sabir Abbas, Shan-E- Zahra, & Noor Ul Qamar. (2017). Review on Huawei Fusion Sphere Security. Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 1(4), 58-63.

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