Algorithm for Coding Person’s Names in large Databases / Data Warehouses to Enhance Processing Speed, Efficiency and Reduce Storage Requirements

  • Aftab Ahmad Malik Lahore Garrison University
Keywords: Alpha-characters, Coding, decoding, names, numeric characters


A technique to codify the names of people in Databases and
Data warehouses to reduce the storage requirements and enhance
processing speed is presented. It is estimated that the storage requirement
can be reduced, which is normally dominated by the entries of first name,
middle name and last name and storage requirements for Data
warehouses keep on increasing. The scheme of the Algorithm replaces
the first name, middle name and last name in numeric charterers instead
of alpha characters for storage. It decodes them into actual Alpha
Characters at the time retrieval.

How to Cite
Aftab Ahmad Malik. (2017). Algorithm for Coding Person’s Names in large Databases / Data Warehouses to Enhance Processing Speed, Efficiency and Reduce Storage Requirements. Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 1(1), 1-12.