Routing Protocols Evaluation Review in Simple and Cloud Environment

  • Rafaqat Alam Khan Lahore Garrison University
Keywords: Protocol, MANET, SDN, Cloud Computing


In the field of information technology there are many computer jargons like cloud computing Ad-hoc, Software Define Network (SDN), network function virtualization (NFV) , and virtual machine (VM), etc. This review paper is basically a blend of brief study and review of many routing protocols used for Mobile ad hoc Networks (MANET) in the cloud as well as in simple network environment i.e. without cloud computing. This paper would also suggest the different challenges that are facing in cloud computing. The description of the different network simulators used in networking like NS2 tool, Opnet and Cisco packet tracer. The different metrics that are used in the networking are briefly explained. MANET is a group of wireless nodes that do not need centralized controlling entity as it rapidly moves
changes and forms networks to the nearest networking nodes.

How to Cite
Rafaqat Alam Khan. (2019). Routing Protocols Evaluation Review in Simple and Cloud Environment. Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 3(2), 1-8.