Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Empowered with Dynamic Divisible Load Scheduling Method

  • Sohaib Ahmad Department of Computer Science, GC University Lahore
Keywords: Load balancing, Load scheduling, Dynamic methods, Network topologies, Divisible Scheduling


The need to process and dealing with a vast amount of data is increasing with the developing technology. One of the leading promising technology is Cloud Computing, enabling one to accomplish desired goals, leading to performance enhancement. Cloud Computing comes into play with the debate on the growing requirements of data capabilities and storage capacities. Not every organization has the financial resources, infrastructure & human capital, but Cloud Computing offers an affordable infrastructure based on availability, scalability, and cost-efficiency. The Cloud can provide services to clients on-demand, making it the most adapted system for virtual storage, but still, it has some issues not adequately addressed and resolved. One of those issues is that load balancing is a primary challenge, and it is required to balance the traffic on every peer adequately rather than overloading an individual node. This paper provides an intelligent workload management algorithm, which systematically balances traffic and homogeneously allocates the load on every node & prevents overloading, and increases the response time for maximum performance enhancement.

How to Cite
Sohaib Ahmad. (2021). Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Empowered with Dynamic Divisible Load Scheduling Method. Lahore Garrison University Research Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 5(3), 44-53. https://doi.org/10.54692/lgurjcsit.2021.0503217